In the last few years of the automotive collector market, light trucks have become a hot commodity—especially Chevy trucks. Unlike in the past, heavily modified vehicles command a premium over stock restorations. Owners of these trucks, which were often fairly crude and not much fun to drive, are demanding moder
How to Swap LS & LT Engines into Chevy & GMC Trucks: 1960–1998 provides instruction and guidance for selecting the best engine for your budget, choosing the adapter plates and engine mounts, dropping the engine into the truck, selecting the ideal transmission and drivelines, and completing all facets of the swap. You must ensure that all of the other components on the car are compatible with the engine, so author Jefferson Bryant shows how to integrate the electronic engine control system; select and install the exhaust, intake, and fuel pumps; and upgrade the cooling system for the high-performance LS and LT.
While the swapping process is covered in detail, the author also provides a helpful LS and LT engine guide. This helps you find the best option for your application and understand the different considerations for these two engines. Whether you are ready to get started right now or want to use this information to determine whether you want to tackle this project, this book is essential to making informed decisions along the way.
Automotive enthusiasts who have followed hot-rodding
trends over the last decade know that GM’s LS-series engine
is the most popular swap on the market. Similar to the first generation small-block Chevy engines that were swapped into
Model A Fords back in the day, these swaps are arguably just
as popular. While kits and the aftermarket help with the logistics and the placement of hardware (such as motor mounts,
oil pans, and headers), the area that still remains a mystery to
most is how to wire and electronically control your swapped
LS project.
In LS Gen III Engine Wiring Systems, expert Mike Noonan
helps demystify the entire complicated process. Extensively
covered are terms and tools of the trade, advice on quality
connections, detailed coverage of all the engine control modules offered, drive-by-wire systems, harness connectors, and
cruise-control systems. Also covered in depth are air-conditioning systems, cooling-system fan operation, transmission
interfaces and connectivity, and control-module programming
(tuning) for standalone operation.
Featuring wiring diagrams and computer-aided design
(CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) artwork as
well as an appendix with real-world projects and examples,
this guide covers all the bases. Whether you are performing
a simple swap that utilizes only the basics, a more complex
project with all the bells and whistles, or simply want a working knowledge of how these systems work, this guide will be a
valuable resource for years to come.
• No book has ever been published that focuses entirely
on GM LS wiring systems
• Understanding the electronic controls is key to a successful powertrain swap
• Most enthusiasts find wiring and controls to be the most
difficult part of modification. This book addresses all of
those concerns